My Mani Monday Routine

Who love Beauty, I do, I do, I do Hello my beauty lovers and Happy Thursday to you all. I hope that you are doing well today.

I don't that I told you all how Mani Monday on my Instagram, well I have a deep dark secret for you all of you to know about, I've bitten my nails ever since I was a little girl and still do till this day. (Please don't judge me) My mother would ask me why would I bite my nails and I would tell her I didn't know. I even had a teacher ask me the same question that my mother did, I was always an anxious child growing up and the only thing that would calm me down was biting my nails. So one day, I was reading a magazine and I was looking at my nails and I was going to bit them and I saw that they were polished in this really pretty red nail polish and a lightbulb went off in my head, If your nails are polished, you won't have to bite them as much and that's how Mani Mondays began on my Instagram.

The first three steps I do the night before so that I can just polish my nails and take a picture for my Instagram. I really feel that these three steps have helped the overall health of my nails. The first thing that I do is remove my old nail polish, the nail polish remover that I use is the Equate Nourishing Nail Polish Remover. It has all of the nutrients that your nails need to grow and be healthy and the best thing about this is that it's only 94 cents.

After I remove my nail polish, I have to file my nails because I feel that my nails look a lot better when they are filed and uniform. I got this nail file from my sister from Valentine's Day. I love that the file resembles a mermaid's scale. 

Probably my favorite part of doing my nails is putting on my growth treatment. This has been a game-changer for my natural nails. This is The LA Colors Mega Growth, This is my fourth bottle of this stuff and I absolutely have to have this in my Mani Monday preparation.

Just like every outfit that we wear, We have to go through the tedious process of finding what goes well together. I clearly DO NOT have a problem. 

The final product of all of the prep that I took you through, I love this pinky nude polish from one of my favorite Beauty Brands, Wet-N-Wild.  The name of this Nail Polish is called Private Viewing.

So that's is Behind The Scenes of my Mani Monday and I hope that you all enjoyed this Beauty Post. I love you all so much and I'll see you all soon, and until next time, Stay Beautiful...

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