Beauty Gods, Please Forgive Me

Hello, My Fellow Beauty Lovers. I hope that you are ready to dive into some of the latest beauty trends that I'm loving at the movement.

I probably committed the ultimate Beauty Sin in the entire world, I never used Carmex a day in my life. Please don't judge me. I was just never a fan of it at all. I used Chapstick, I used Burt's Bees, I ever used EOS lip balms and I thought those were the lip balms clearly I was totally wrong. I truly do believe you need to try out a lot of products to find the one that you love, being a Beauty Blogger is the best job in the world because I get to try out products and tell you guys about if I loved it or I hated about the product.

My love for Carmex started when my mother had a small canister of it on her nightstand in her room. My lips were so dry and cracked they literally would bleed if I would move them. I asked my mother can I put some of her Carmex on my lips, she told me I could. So I took a small bit out to put on my lips. When I put that small bit on my lips, my lips literally felt relieved.  I felt that the cooling Methonal really moisturized my lips and from that day forward, I've brought Carmex ever since. I put it on before I go to bed, I have a tube in my makeup bag and every time that I'm in the drugstore, I have to buy some. Another thing that I love is they don't test on our animal friends and it has SPF 30. I just hope that the Beauty Gods will forgive me for not trying Carmex sooner in my life.

I hope that you guys will forgive me for not trying Carmex sooner, I hope that you all enjoyed this Beauty Post for today. I love you all so much and until next time, Stay Beautiful...

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