My Favorite Mascaras

Happy Thursday to all of my Beauty Lovers, I hope that you all are doing well. I can wait to tell you the newest things in Beauty that I've been loving at the moment.

My make-up journey didn't start for me until I was 19 years old. I did not understand the whole "Make Up Thing" For the life of me, I never understand why women would get so angry when their make up would get ruined. But one day I realized that makeup is for a woman to feel great about themselves, another thing that I learned about makeup is that it should enhance what you already have and not cover them up.  

Mascara is what I like to call "The Instant 8 Hour Sleep" It gives the illusion that you had a full night's sleep. I don't have a lot of eyelashes but when I put on my Mascara, I feel that I have a full set of false lashes. I'm not a fan of the trendy wands that some mascaras have, just give the traditional ward and we'll be best friends. The two Mascaras that I'm going to tell about is the two Mascaras that I've loved for so many years. I'm a creature of habit when it comes to my makeup if it works for me that I'm not changing.

Maybelline Great Lash Mascara is my all-time favorite. I watched my mother used this mascara and My mother brought me this when I first started getting into makeup. The packaging brings so many memories for me and it doesn't clump up my lashes and separates them perfectly, no wonder that this mascara has been around for over 40 years. 

Beauty Gods, Please don't revoke my card into heaven. I never ever use the L'oreal Original Voluminous Mascara. I've seen many commercials and my mother said that she used it for the longest time. I have to but it for myself and see how it looks on my lashes. The Black and Gold is the signature for the L'oreal brand.

Well that the two mascaras that I'm obsessed with, I hope that you all enjoyed this Beauty Post. I love you all so much and until next time, Stay Beautiful.

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