My Spring Closet Must Have: Marc Fisher Adalyn Espadrille Wedge Sandal

Happy Sunday to all of my fellow Fashion lovers. I hope that you all had an amazing week and wore some great outfits along the way. The highlight of my week is coming on here and telling you the trends that I love and some trends that I've hated.

I think that I can speak for everyone that I am ready for some warmer weather, I'm beyond sick and tired of wearing layers and layers of clothes just to stay warm. The one thing that I love about spring is wearing cute sandals and wedges. Every woman should have a pair or several pairs of wedges in their closet for the Spring and the Summer. Wedges were the first pair of shoes that I got when I was in middle school because I wanted to learn how walk-in heels (I'm still not the greatest in walking in heels) And not only that, they are extremely comfortable to wear, which is key for me in the Spring and the Summer.

Marc Fisher was born and raised in an American footwear family and has had a passion for beautiful shoes for as long as he can remember. The son of Nine West co-founder Jerome Fisher, Marc studied the art and business of shoemaking from the bottom up and spent 30 years of his career (so far) creating best-selling collections for leading designers. He's a constant traveler to the world's great cities and finds inspiration wherever he goes. Rather than chase what's shiny and new he likes things with beauty and soul. He believes style that lasts is the style that counts and that if it's not wearable it's simply not worth it. This appreciation of chic, timeless, and simplicity.

Marc Fisher was first introduced to me by watching QVC (My weakness) and I saw these beautifully crafted wedges that the presenter was presenting and as many of you know when I find a new fashion designer, handbag line, or jewelry line I have to tell you about it. So I went to Google and put the Marc Fisher name in the search engine and it pulled up their website and I was impressed with EVERY SHOE ON THEIR WEBSITE. I went to the wedges and the Adalyn just spoke to me for some reason. I love the shape of the shoe, the wedge height is perfect, and I love that it will go with everything in my closet. The Adalyn comes in two other colors and an animal print and I want them all. All of the colors will go so well with all of the clothing that I wear on an everyday basis. They are $160.00 but they are on sale for $59.99

I can't wait until Spring is here and I can wear my sandals and wedges again, I hope that all of you have enjoyed this blog post. I love you all so much and until next time, Stay Beautiful.

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