My Closet Must Have: The Celine Mini Luggage Handbag

Well hello again my fellow fashion lovers, I hope that you are doing well on this Tuesday. Talking to y'all about fashion is one of my favorite thing to do and I hope that my blog brings you joy in your darkest moments in your life.

I know, I know, I know, this bag has kinda run in its course but it is still popular. I remember seeing Miley Cyrus carry the Celine Mini Luggage Bag in a neon green color and I was obsessed with this bag ever since. I often thought about how many ways I could style this bag and have it in my collection but at the time, I was a broke, up and coming fashion blogger and I just could not afford it. But all of a sudden when I saw a fashion blogger carry this bag, my love for this bag has come back and now I'm saving all of my money ($3,100 to be exact) so that I can buy it for myself. Buying a designer bag is not to brag. For me, buying a designer bag is showing that all of the hard work that you have done pays off.

The first thing that I love about this bag is the size, I'm loving smaller bags at the moment. I'm thirty and I don't want to carry a huge bag anymore. The second thing that I love about this bag  I love about this bag is the shape. It is so unique from other handbags that I've seen before, I can see a very stylish Parisian woman carry this bag around with all of their essentials in there. Another thing that I love about this bag is the Silver hardware.

I hope that my fellow fashion lovers don't think that I'm behind the times, but I really love this bag and I hope to own it one day. I hope that you all have enjoyed this blog post for this Tuesday, I love you all so much and until next time, Stay Beautiful.

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