Mia Becar, I'm Obsessed With You.

Hello everyone, I hope that you are doing well and staying safe out there. In the world that we live in right now, I hope that my blog posts and fashion posts on my Instagram brin you a delightful distraction from what going on, believe me, I'm right there with you. But talking about fashion keeps me calm and distracted from Mrs. Conronavirus herself.

If you love shoes then we can be best friends, I think that every woman loves shoes. I don't know about you but shoes were never on my radar, I would consider myself more of a handbag girl then a shoe girl. But that slowly started to change. When people look at your outfit, they automatically look at your shoes I feel that your shoes are the finishing part to anyone's outfit and I think that we someone tells you that they love your shoes, it makes you walk with a little confidence.

I recently came across a new shoe designer named Mia Becar when I was reading my Elle Magazine from March 2020. I saw a pair of flats called The Allegra and I fell in love with them. They have mesh on both sides of the flats and they were a beautiful metallic silver leather. Betzabe Gonzalez and Carolina Lujan wanted to create a line of shoes that were not only fashionable but comfortable as well They are handcrafted in Italy, with love. To me, I'm looking for shoes that are comfortable, but fashionable. I just turned thirty and I'm all about shoes that give me comfort and that are stylish at the same time.

How gorgeous are these right? These are the Salma Capri sandal and they would perfect for a vacation in Italy. I love the floral applique and the color is just beautiful. The price for this is $800.00. They also come in two other colors as well.

Who says that fashion can't be comfortable, The heel height on these shoes is everything I love the caged back of the shoe because I know that my foot will be protected and I can walk with confidence. They are called the Vivian and they cost $795.00.

Allegra, Why are you so beautiful. The flats that stole my heart in the first place. I would definitely buy the gold pair, but the and black pair are calling me.  They are $700.00.

The Designers For Mia Becar, Betzabe Gonzalez And Carolina Lujan

I know that they are expensive but in fashion. But in fashion, you pay for quality than quantity. I hope that I brighten your day a little bit with this blog post. I love you all so much and until next time, Stay Beautiful.

Mia Becar's Website: https://miabecar.com/

For Business Opportunities Or PR My Email: Lifeofafashionblogger@yahoo.com

If You Want To Send Me Some  Stuff  To Review For My Blog Or Just Write Me A Letter:

Breanne Peterson
1609 Summerhouse St
Elizabethtown NC 28337

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