Make-Up Battle: Fingers Vs Sponge

Happy Thursday fellow beauty lovers, I hope that you all had an amazing Thanksgiving last week and enjoy some time with all of your loved ones. I can't wait to tell all about all the things in the beauty world that as sparked my interest as of late.

I was reading the December/January issue of Cosmopolitan and I saw that two women were in a battle of using your fingers to apply your make-up or using a sponge to apply your make-up. For a lot of women, using their fingers is easier to apply their make-up, especially their concealer. On the other hand, make-up sponges give the appearance of a beautiful airbrushed effect to their makeup. Me personally, I'm a pretty sponge girl. I don't like using my fingers to apply my makeup, I feel that your fingers have a lot of germs and I don't want to put that on my face or near my eyes, My beauty rule is this, Do what works for you. either way, your makeup is going to look flawless.

The following two makeup sponges that I love are the Beauty Blender and The Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge. I don't have the Beauty Blender sponge but I do have Real Technique sponge. and you can get both of these at Ulta ( My Favorite Makeup Store) The Beauty Blender has completely changed how we all do our makeup. The iconic pink sponge is always a makeup bag must-have for every makeup artist and beauty lover. The price for the Beauty Blender is $20.00.

If you can folk over the $20.00 for the Beauty Blender, then the Real Technique sponge is for you.   I have the Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge and it works like a dream and it so affordable as well at $5.99. 

Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge

I totally forgot to tell you guys that both of these makeup brushes have been featured in Allure Magazine. I hope that you all have enjoyed this Beauty Blog Post for this Thursday, I love you all so much and until next time,  Stay Beautiful.

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