My Favorite Black Woman Owned Business: The Lip Bar

Happy Sunday my fellow beauty lovers, I know what many of you are thinking, It's not Thursday why are you doing your Beauty Blog Post on Sunday. Well The 4th of July fell on a Thursday and I think we need to give a BIG Thank You to all of our brave Men and Women that make the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and the things that we take for granted on a everyday basis.

I will say this until I'm blue in the face, we need to support up-and-coming make-up brands. Being a beauty blogger, I loving seeing women following their dreams by creating their own make-up lines and seeing all of their hard work pay off and their visions of what the beauty world should be come true is something that I can support and believe in. Hearing their stories is just awe inspiring for me to hear.

If you guys haven't heard of The Lip Bar, then you need to. I read about The Lip Bar in a paplet that I got with a Essence magazine back in July of 2018. As I read Melissa Butler's story about how she created her vegan Lipstick line in her kitchen, It made me realized that my dreams was not too big to make into a reality for myself. She said that she wanted to empower women to be confident in themselves and break the mold of the beauty standards that are sometimes full of BS. I love what she said here, She said, " I would never allow anyone else be the authority on my dreams." She went on the television show, Shark Tank. Although she didn't get a deal, she did not let bring her brand down Another thing that I love about this brand is that everybody can wear this Lipstick, whether you are Black, White, Latino this brand is for you. You can get her lipstick line at Target and on her website,  Her company is based in Detroit Michigan.

The amazing owner of The Lip Bar, Melissa Butler.

I have a deep love for Red Lipstick. I love the packaging on the tube of lipstick and the color is just stunning.

I hope that you all enjoyed this Beauty Blog Post on a Sunday. I love you all so and Thank You so much for reading Blog, and until next time Stay Beautiful...

The Lip Bar Website:

For Business Opportunities My Email:

If You Want To Send Me Some  Stuff  To Review For My Blog Or Just Write Me A Letter:

Breanne Peterson
PO BOX 2786
Elizabethtown NC 28337

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