The French Manicure Is Back

Hello everyone and welcome back to my Blog. I hope that you are doing well and ready to talk about some beauty trends that we are talking about using for themselves.

Can I be honest with all of my fellow beauty lovers out there, I beyond over the top nail trends that all the girls are wearing these days? As many of you know, I polish my natural nails because I bite my nails (I'm getting better at it ) And quite honestly, I don't have the time or the patience to sit there and get fake nails put on my natural nails. When I went to prom both my junior and senior year of High School and I had to wear fake nails, by the end of prom, they couldn't get off fast enough.

When I saw that the French Manicure was making a comeback in the Beauty world and I thought to myself, when did they ever stop being popular. It reminds so much of the cool girl that was so popular back in all of the 90's sitcoms that we all loved to watch. I love the simple and clean look that they have and how effortless that they look with every one of your outfits, This is the one time that I will sit in a nail salon and get this done for my nails and be so happy about it.

Camila Cabello is one girl that I can appreciate her nail game, she sticks to what she knows that works for her, They are so perfect.

Can all appreciate the easy and breeziness of this timeless nail trend.

I hope that you will try this out for yourselves if you are tired of the crazy nail trends that are out there. I hope that you enjoyed this Beauty Blog Post and until next time, Stay Beautiful.

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