I'm Not With The Wiggle Eyebrows

Well, this Beauty Blog Post isn't going to finish itself you know. Hello, my fellow beauty lovers and welcome back to my blog. I'm so happy that you are reading my blog where beauty lovers can come and hear what I have to say about the latest beauty trends that I'm loving and some beauty trends that really messes with my spirit. 

The eyebrows are the frame of any make-up look. I am a huge fan of natural-looking eyebrows that are shaped up and clean. I am not a fan of the overly drawn on or thick eyebrows sometimes it looks like a caterpillar is resting on your face. ( That is NEVER a good look) I would always see my mother and older sister pluck their eyebrows and seeing other women plucking their eyebrows to the point that they have to draw them really scared me as a little girl. I was blessed to have eyebrows that I don't have to pluck or wax them at all.

For the life of me, I don't know how this ever became a beauty trend, I believe that this came into the beauty world either 2017 or 2018 but I'm so happy that this gone out of our beauty lives FOREVER. The wiggly eyebrows were in my honest opinion was the worst things I have ever seen, it looked more cartoonish than wearable. I've seen grown women wear these brow out in public I never understood why it even became a trend. I cannot stand seeing these ridiculous beauty trends that people are just going crazy over and I thinking to myself, what's so great about this, tell me I want to know for myself. 

I mean if my mother would see my eyebrows like this, I think that she would be embarrassed by me.

I hope that any of you did not dabble in the foolery. Your eyebrows should not be played with like that. Thanks so much for reading this Beauty Post and until next time, Stay Beautiful...

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