Love My Bowlcut

Happy Thursday Beauty Lovers, I've missed you all so much and I can't to tell you all about the latest beauty that has been really been rocking my world and some beauty trends ( If you can call them that) that will never be okay with me. 

So apparently, the Bowlcut is the newest new haircut to get a the moment. when I was in the fourth grade, I knew a boy that had this same haircut and everyone made fun of him, poor guy. Harry Styles, Charlize Theron, Zendaya, and I saw that Celine Dion (Obsessed with her recent Fashion choices lately) in a bowl cut wig in a Harper's Bazaar magazine spread  I'm not the one to tell anyone what to do with their own hair, but I'm not a fan of this hairstyle at all. I feel that it doesn't look right on a lot of people including me and it reminds me of the '80s ( I love '80s fashion through) 

Charlize Theron is that one movie star that can pull any hairstyle if she would cut her all off and I would still I'll swoon. She's absolutely gorgeous and this hairstyle just shows how she can pull any hairstyle. I believe this photo is from a new movie that she is shooting. 

Ruby Rose is the younger version of  Angelina Jolie, the smile, the tattoos, the similar fashion choices. This hairstyle suits her very well.

Rihanna is another hair chameleon. Every hairstyle that she chooses, every girl tries to copy it. 

The Fendi Fall/Winter 2019 Haute Couture Collection got on the trend for their runway.

I love you so much for reading this Blog Post, It means the world to me that you all take the time to read any of my posts. Until next time, Stay Beautiful.

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