My Style Obsession: Hoop Earrings

Hello to my fellow fashion lovers and Happy Tuesday to you all. I've missed you all so much and I'm so happy to be back here and talked about the things that I'm loving in the Fashion world.

There's are some things in Fashion that are just timeless for any woman's jewelry box. For some women, it's pearls. For other women, it's diamonds. For me, it's hoops earrings. When I was growing up, I've had a pair of hoop earrings. A fun fact about me is that I didn't wear earrings for the longest time. It baffles me until this day why I went through that weird phase in my younger years but I'm so glad that phase is over.  

If you ever see me out in public, I'm will be wearing my hoop earrings. Sometimes I'll switch it up by wearing studs, but most of the time, I'm wearing my hoop earrings. To me, hoop earrings are just so simple and go with everything my wardrobe for as long as I can remember my mother, my older sister, and younger sister have always worn hoop earrings and probably when I have a little girl of my own she will wear a tiny pair of hoop earrings herself. I not with the huge earrings believe me I went through a period where I would only wear huge earrings and quite honestly, I looked like a complete fool. As I went on my own journey to find my own style, I learned to not follow trends just because everyone is following them, just stay true to your own style.

Kendra Scott is one of my favorite Jewelry designers and her story is just incredible. She started her company with $500.00 in her pocket and now she owns a multimillion company. I don't personally own any of her jewelry but I would love to.  I'm obsessed with these hammered hoops earrings, they would go with everything in my wardrobe The asking price for these gorgeous earrings is only $40.00. 

What I love about these tiny hoop earrings from a new brand that I've recently discovered called Maison Miru are the rainbow stones. It's a cool twist on this timeless trend. The price for these little beauties is $ 49.00.

Hoop Earrings are always going to be in my life and I hope that you share in the same love for them as I do. I hope that you enjoyed this Blog Post and until next time, Stay Beautiful.

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