Fashion Trends That I Wish Would DIE In 2020

I can't think of a better way to start your week off by having fashion involved.  Hello Fashion lovers and welcome back to my blog, I hope that all of you are doing well and being as safe as possible. 

I love looking at the latest trends in some of my favorite fashion magazines such as Elle Magazine, Instyle, Harper's Bazaar, and of course Vogue. Trends have inspired all of us to experiment with our own style and see what works for us and our lifestyles. But, there're some trends in the fashion world that I really want to go away from our rearview windows FOREVER. 

These three fashion trends are the bain of my fashion world and quite honest with y'all, I'm beyond over them. Some of our favorite fashion bloggers and influencers push these trends to the forefront in the fashion world and us as the consumer we tend to follow suit. I truly understand that we all are influenced by what we see in blogs and in magazines, but some trends in my opinion should stay as creative thought.

Now Jaquemus, you know that you are one of my favorite designers. But you have created a fashion monster with the mini bag trend. To me, this trend is just not that practical for everyday life or for the woman that needs a bag to carry all of her essentials in. I hope that this trend will die out as soon as possible.

I did a blog post about Fanny Packs at the beginning of the year, and now in September, I'm bored with them now. Some things from the '80s should just stay there.

The tiny glasses trend is really getting on my nerves, I seriously mean that. Every time that I go on social media I see this trend. It's not flattering of anybody at all I hope in 2020 this will put to a complete stop.

So, I ask the fashion Gods for their forgiveness about the bad things that I said about each of these trends before I did this blog post, I think that they'll forgive me. I hope that all of you have enjoyed this blog post, I love you all so much, and until next time, Stay Beautiful.

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