Victoria's Secret, We Need To Talk

Hello Fashion Friends, I hope that all of you are having a great Sunday afternoon. I'm so glad that I can be back here with you all again and talk about the things in the Fashion world that I'm really loving at the moment and some things that really have me scratching my head. 

Before I go any further in this blog post, I want to say this. I don't want you to think that I get complete happiness for bashing a person or a brand, believe me, I don't. And I know that I'm a little late to the ball game, but I need to get this off of my chest because I feel that God has given me this little platform to express my thoughts and feelings to all of you that read my blog on the weekly basis. 

Victoria's Secret was introduced to me back when I was in middle school, my auntie would give them to me to look through and I thought that they were the Creme De La Creme. The details were just stunning to me and I wanted to have one of their T-shirt bras to wear and even though they were $30-$50 way more money than my single mother would spend on a bra that you can get from Wal-Mart but I kept hope alive and it never happened. Every time that I went to the mailbox and saw that I had Victoria's Secret catalogs waiting for me to read, it was the highlight of my day. I remember the first time that I stepped into Victoria's Secret store on my 24th birthday and made my first purchase, it was the Fresh and Clean perfume and lotion set that I used up and wanted to buy more and every holiday season, I posted some of their clothing and lingerie on my Instagram. The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show was the kick-off to my holiday season. But the comments The president of Victoria Secret Edward Razek said really made me change my mind about them.

In November 2018, Victoria's Secret president Edward Razek and Executive Vice President Of public relations Monica Mitro were interviewed by Vogue. In the interview, when discussing diversity, Razek made the following comments regarding the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show: “Shouldn’t you have transsexuals and plus-sized women in the show? No. No, I don’t think we should. Well, why not? Because the show is a fantasy. It’s a 42-minute entertainment special. That’s what it is. After I read that interview, I was hurt and disgusted and his apologie was flat and cause a firestorm.

Me being a plus-sized woman, I'm constantly being told that I'm not attractive and my body is not perfect. I can only imagine what Trangendered Women have to go through just to live their lives the way they want to live. I'm beyond sick and tired of fitting into society's forms of beauty because society's form of beauty is a crock of CRAP. It's unrealistic for our young girls to see and what are we teaching them, if you look a certain way, you're beautiful. I hate to break this to society's forms but beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, religions, and heights. 

I was reading the March issue of Vogue Magazine, and I saw that Victoria's Secret had a 3-page layout showing that they had a plus-sized model and I thought to myself, You're late to the ball game. I also saw that you cast your Transgendered Model named Valentina Sampaio as well. I feel that you are doing this now is because there are some lingerie brands such as Savage x Fenty, Aerie, Adore Me, True And Co, Playful Promises and others that are coming for you necks and behind the times' attitude. Victoria's Secret, YOU have hurt me to my core and I'm deeply disappointed in your company. If your company is all about "Women Empowerment". then these changes should have happened YEARS ago. 

As I said before, I don't get any joy or pleasure in talking about a company that I loved for as long as I can remember, but my mother always taught me that if you have something to say, say it out loud even when it's not cool. I love you all much for reading this blog post and until next time, Stay Beautiful.

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