My Girlhood Memories: Liz Claiborne Curve

Happy Tuesday to all of my Fashion Lovers and I hope that all of my readers that are are mothers, I hope that you had a wonderful Mother's Day filled with Love, Being pampered, and having some amazing fashion to go along with your day.

When I was a little girl, I associated smells with memories. When I smell cinnamon, I associated with the holidays, especially with Christmas (My Favorite Holiday) When I smell Watermelon and Lemon, I automatically think of the Summer and when I smell Hot Apple Cider, I think about all of my favorite things about the Fall. But there's one smell that will never leave me for the rest of my life. 

Every girl has gotten a "grown up" fragrance when they hit a huge part of their life. For me, It's was in Middle School. One Christmas, my family was opening up presents that "Santa" sent us and as we was finishing up, my mother handed me a small box, I didn't know what it was at the time but when I did, I was very surprise. It was a bottle of Liz Claiborne's Curve that my mother gotten out of a catalog called Fingerhut. I sprayed it and I was completely transported into a place of femininity. I literally wore it everyday until it was all gone. I knew from that day on I would have a deep love and appreciation for Fragrance. 

The packining of this Fragrance is absolutely stunning. I will purchase this and put this on this on my Perfume tray. 

I'm glad to be back with you guys again, I hope that you all enjoyed this Blog Post on my Girlhood Memories. I love you all so much and until next time, Stay Beautiful...

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