My Favorite Style Decade: The 1950's

I hope that you all enjoying your Sunday Afternoon. I'm so happy to be back here with all of my Fashion Lovers.

When I was a little girl, I watched old movies with my mother from the 1940's, 1950's, and 1960's. Whether it was in Black and White or in Color, I would  just be awe of all of the beautiful clothing that all the actresses would wear. I literally wanted to reach through the television and put all the things that I wanted in my closet and still to this day, I still watched old Black and White movies and still want all of the clothing that the actresses wore.

The 1950's Fashion was all about a woman embracing her femininity and loving her curves.  I wished that we can all take style cues from the 1950's. I love the full skirts, the wide belt that gave the woman a classic coke bottle shape, the cigarette pants, the fitted dresses, and of course the forever iconic Puddle skirt. If I could pick a style decade that I could wear their clothes, it would be totally be the 1950's. I would wear those gorgeous dresses in a heartbeat. 

The first picture is of my Style Icon, Audrey Hepburn. I absolutely LOVE this dress that she is wearing. The fitted top is so representative of the 1950's. And the the full skirt is just stunning. I love her style so much and that why she will always be my style icon.

I've seen that wide belts were huge in the 1950's. I love that it gave all the women a beautiful shape and I'm obsessed with them. 

When I saw this gorgeous dress, I literally fell in love with it. I love how she styled it and how it the fabric falls. I can see this dress worn to a picnic, to church, or wear it on a date with a beautiful white cardigan.

I'm in love with 50's Fashion and I'm not afraid to say that. I love you all so much and I hope that you all enjoyed this Blog Post for this Sunday and until next time, Stay Beautiful...

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