My Fashion Wish List Item: Gucci Jordan Loafers

Who else enjoy Sunday. Hello Fashionable People and Happy Sunday to you all. I hope that you are enjoying your day, just relaxing on your day off and staying in you pajamas and binge watching your favorite Netflix series.

Being a Fashion Blogger is the greatest thing that ever happen to me in my life. I always wanted to share my love for Fashion with people around the world. Seeing people and how they they would dress inspired me so much not only that it made me appreciate Fashion even more than I did before. As I get older, I'm really starting to love the classic styles that has been around in the Fashion world for years and years. Don't get me wrong, I love looking at the latest trends but that what they are. They will only be around for 3-to-9 months and I don't what to waste my money on Fast Fashion. Classic handbags, dresses, coats, jewelry, and especially loafers.

Today's Blog Post is about a item that I what I my closet so bad, but I'm a college student so I need to relax. The Gucci Jordaan Leather Loafers are beyond stunning, but not only that, they're are a pair of shoes that are going to be a go-to piece for every girl that wants to look stylish but still fashionable. My love affair with the Jordaan loafers started when I was looking through a Fashion magazine ( Are you surprise, No) and I saw a very stylish woman wearing with a beautiful pair of camel colored pants, a white button up and simple jewelry. The obsession with these loafers are still going strong, I will save every single penny for these loafers and buy them for myself.

Can we ALL take a moment to GAG over these beauties, I love the all black I did believe that they do come in other colors and prints as well and the Horsebit details are just stunning.

I just came to know about the Fashion Blog, Just The Design and let me tell you that her blog is simply amazing. I read her blog post about how to style loafers over and over again. I love how Swedish Fashion Blogger Victoria Tornegren styled hers. A classic all black look is never a bad idea.

I hope that you all enjoyed a all new blog post to start you week off with. Thank You so much for reading this post about this Fashion Item I want in my closet. And until next time, Stay Beautiful...

Links To The Fashion Item That Was Featured In This Blog Post: 

Victoria Tornegren Blog:

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