Fashion Trends That I Wish Would Die Away In 2019

Did y'all miss me as much I missed y'all. Hello to all of my fellow Fashion Lovers and Happy Sunday to all. I glad that I can be with you all and not only that, It's my first Blog Post as a 29 year old, My Birthday was yesterday and I must say, it feels so good.

Today's Blog Post is all about the Fashion Trends that I wish would die and never come back in Fashion. There are so many Fashion Trends that come at us all at once, It's kinda hard to keep up with it all. I always loved looking through my favorite Fashion Magazines, Fashion Bloggers, and other Fashion Blogs. It's always so cool to see what are the trends that everybody is going to wearing for the upcoming season. But there's are some trends that I wonder why they even became a trend in the first place. The following trends that I'm about to show you are the trends that I want to find their respectful place in the Fashion Graveyard.

The First Trend that I want to die is something that I never understood why it even became popular at all, The Plastic trend just need to DIE and never come back, When I think of this trend, it remind me of the plastic cling wrap my mother used to wrap my Sandwitches for my lunches when I was in primary school. Not only that, It looks absolutely CHEAP. Now Chanel, You know I love you, but girl this Spring/Summer 2018 collection is just horrible, I don't want walk around in plastic believe me I can go into my mother's kitchen and wrap myself in this completely uncalled for trend. 

Jeans are a staple in every girl's closet, I even love a little distressed denim. But what I cannot stand is overly distressed denim. I beyond over seeing this denim everywhere, I've seen people out in public in this trend. I feel that it not a good look to wear out to dinner or even to the grocery store, it literally looks as if you gotten into a fight with a bear. Please overly distressed go away for good. 

And finally for this Blog Post about the Fashion Trends that I'm over seeing everywhere. To my young queens, I know that you're are impressed with what you see on Social Media. But I don't want you to wear clothes that show a whole lot of skin. I don't even like seeing these "Instagram Models wearing stuff like that. You can still look sexy while still being cover up. My mother will kill me if she saw me in a dress that was not up the standards that she raised me to have for myself. 

I hope that you all enjoyed this Blog Post about the Fashion Trends that I absolutely hate, I love you all so much and I appreciate all of the support that you all give me. Until Next Time, Stay Beautiful...

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