My Beauty Cabinet Must Have: Gleamin Vitamin C Clay Mask

Beauty Lovers, I hope that you are doing well on this Thursday. During this time I hope that you all are taking care of yourselves both physically and mentally, stay safe and please stay at home. I couldn't wait to get back to you and tell what beauty products I've seen in my favorite magazines and blog posts and some beauty trends and products that I've not been a fan of at all.

During my teens and in my twenties, I try my very best to take care of my skin. Now that I'm thirty, it's essential. I try to find the best products for my skin type (Dry and Sensitive) and I found some great products but I always try to find some new products to add to my everyday skin routine. As a beauty blogger, lover, and consumer, it's my duty to try these products and report to you guys to say if I love them or hate them.

I first saw the Gleamin Vitamin C Clay Mask when I was on Instagram one night I'm going to be completely honest with you guys, I thought that it was a complete gimmick just to make money, so I went to their website and immediately went to the reviews on this mask and I was taken by surprise when I saw the results of the people that use the mask with picture evidence. Their products vegan, organic, and filled with nutrients - no artificial chemicals. No animal products. No artificial fragrances or irritants.with healthy, sustainable, plant- and earth-based foods. Turmeric, vitamin C, and aloe vera purify, balance, and uncover your skin's natural glow. Australian clay smoothes your skin and unites the ingredients and there're PETA certified. You can buy one mask for $39.99, you can get delivered to your home every four weeks, but it is sold out, or you can buy two for $59.99.

Fellow beauty lovers, I hope that you take care of yourselves more than ever. I hope that you have enjoyed this blog post, I love you all so much and until next time, Stay Beautiful.

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