My Favorite Fashion Magazines

Hello again to all of my Fashion Lovers out there. I hope that you all are having a great filled with love, positive vibes and of course, Fashion.

If you been living under a rock, The Big Bang Theory is sadly ending after 12 seasons, I seriously don't know how I'm going to cope with it. I think that everyone's favorite character is Sheldon Cooper. He gets so happy when he gets a new comic book, I'm the same way when I buy or receive a new Fashion Magazine in the mail. I would look at Fashion Magazines in class instead doing schoolwork.  For me, it's gives me inspiration for my outfits, keeping informed with all the newest trends, all of the runway shows, showing me the latest in the beauty, all the news from a female's point of view, and of course great blogging material for you guys to read.

Today's Blog Post is all about my favorite Fashion Magazines. Everytime that I look through a Fashion magazine, it feels that I'm looking through the history that we are coming to talk about in the future of fashion. I can look through a old magazine and find something that I've never seen before. It's just so soothing to my soul to look in a Fashion magazine and seeing all of the things that you love and the designers and up-and-coming designers that will take over the Fashion world.

Allure is a magazine that I've been reading ever since I was in Middle School. A magazine that was dedicated to the latest in Beauty and Fashion was such a eye opening moment for me. I would highly recommend it to all of you beauty lovers out there. 

The next magazine that I love is Elle Magazine. I was first introduced to Elle when I was in High School when I was taking Apparel Development 1. I literally was captured by all that Elle Magazine represented. Beautiful styling of the clothing, Upcoming events in the Fashion Industry and how they let their readers about the new designers that was on the rise. I will always in my Fashion Magazine pile. 

W Mag was a Fashion Magazine that had amazing editorials that I've never seen before. I've read W Mag in the 8th grade and all of a sudden, I stop reading it. Well I started to read it again and I'm so happy that I did. 

Harper's Bazaar is a magazine that I've read since High School. I always felt that Harper's Bazaar and Vogue was the Original Fashion Magazine that everyone flock to find out the latest in Fashion. Harper's Bazaar will and always be in my Fashion Library.

Instyle Magazine is a magazine that will hold a special place in my heart. It the first magazine that I brought with my allowance that my mother would give me. I love the way they would have the layout of their magazine and how that they don't use real fur in their magazine was a major plus for me. 

Marie Claire is my go-to when I need some inspiration from my blog post or for my outfits. I love going to my mailbox and seeing a issue of Marie Claire in there. I love that they give you styling tips to help with you outfit. My two favorites to receive is the March and September issues.

I currently do not have a subscription to Porter Magazine, But it definitely on my Fashion Magazine Wish List. I love the covers that they do for each season. 

And last, but not lease. Vogue Magazine is the first Fashion Magazine that I ever read in my life. My mother brought a whole bunch of Fashion magazines from our local Thrift Store, she always had a rule about her magazine, Don't look at them until I finish with them. I would sneak and look at them when she was not looking. Vogue will always hold a special place in my heart. Vogue made me want to work in the Fashion Industry and I hope that I can in the near future.

I hope that all of my Fashion Lovers enjoyed this Blog Post about my Favorite Fashion Magazines. If you have a Favorite Fashion Magazine that you love and you want to tell me about it, DM me on my Instagram page. I love you all so much I appreciate your support and until next time, Stay Beautiful.....

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