A Girl And Her Ally Shoes

Hello to all of my Fashion Lovers out there on this Tuesday, I'm so happy to be back here with you all again and talk about things that I'm loving when it's comes to Fashion, Beauty, and everything else in between. 

One of my Style Icons Marilyn  Monroe said it best, Diamonds are a girl's best friend, but shoes are a close second. For me, shoes are a finishing piece to a girls outfit. Not only that, shoes can tell a story about the outfit itself. But for some girls finding the right nude color to match their tone can be uber hard to find.

Nude shoes should be a staple but some some nudes shoes are not made equal to everyone, until now. I came to know about Ally Shoes when I was searching the internet one day and I was intrigued to find out more this company. The founder and CEO Samantha Dong had a hard time finding the right shoes that was stylish and comfortable so she decided to create Ally Shoes with head designer Sara Jaramillo, who used to a designer for Yeezy. and Dr. Roxanne Clare. I'm so happy to see that she has the comfort for Women's feet and style concerns in mind, with 16 sizes and three width sizes, I'm sure that you won't be disappointed. 

Image result for ally shoes

I hope that you all check Ally Shoes for yourself, I hope that you fashionable people enjoyed this Blog Post I love you all so much, Until Next Time, Stay Beautiful....

Ally Shoes Website: https://www.ally.nyc/

My Email: Lifeofafashionblogger@yahoo.com

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