JJ Gray Are A Must

 Hello everyone, and Happy Tuesday to all of you. I hope that you had a great day and were as fashionable and safe as possible. 

Winter's in full swing and the one thing that every woman needs to have in their closets is a great pair of riding boots. I wear riding boots throughout the winter season because it completes an outfit in my opinion, It gives me that "I'm pulled together and polished" look that I love. I looked for a pair of riding boots that don't have a high heel and in a neutral color that goes well with my wardrobe. 

While we were in quarantine, I was watching a segment on a Canadian talk show called Cityline, and I saw these boots that were so beautiful and when the stylist started to talk about them, I never went on a website so fast in my entire life. J.J. Gray’s line of artisanal shoes embodies timelessness, craftsmanship, and old-world values. “Our shoes define us, perhaps too much so,” says Jessica Perdomo, Founder & CEO. As is the case with so many of life’s greatest treasures Perdomo found her shoes by accident. On a trip to the south of Spain, she met a family who had been making custom shoes for three generations, having perfected a last that is treated on all J.J. Gray shoes. The family sources its supple calfskin from local tanneries that do not use harsh chemicals to treat their hides and cannot be found in the States.

Since the launch of the company, J.J. Gray shoes have appeared in Vogue, Univision, Footwear News, and other publications. Jess’s commitment to growing J.J. Gray is rivaled only by her passion for giving back; the company plans to donate sneakers to children in need. “Confidence comes from both the soul and the sole,” Perdomo says. “Everyone deserves to have a pair of shoes on their feet that feels good to wear and makes them feel good too.”

Of all of the styles of shoes that are on the website, The Edgar is my favorite. It looks like a boot that equestrians would wear while training their horses. These boots come in three colors and the price for them is very EXPENSIVE at $950.00 

Riding boots aren't a want in your closet, it's a necessity. I hope that all of you have enjoyed this blog post for this Tuesday, I love you all so much, and until next time, Stay Beautiful. 

 For Business Opportunities Or PR, My Email Is: Lifeofafashionblogger@yahoo.com

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