Real Girl Talk: Why I Stopped Giving A F About Being Single On Valentine's Day

Hello My Fashion Obsessed People, and Happy Valentine's Day to all the love birds out there. I hope that your day is filled with love, Delicious food, plenty of candy and quality time with your significant other.

Today's Blog Post is inspired by a article that I read in Cosmopolitan Magazine back when I was in high school it was about a woman explaining why she was single and not rushing in a relationship. Growing up, I didn't understand the whole Valentine's Day thing, quite honestly I thought it was all a gimmick to make money and wipe up the florist clean of roses. I suffered from low esteem by being picked on by my peers all throughout my life. I only liked one boy from middle school until my Junior year of High School. And if I liked a boy, I would keep it to myself. I never receive a Valentine's Day card from anyone, except from my mother. I felt that something was wrong with me, Was I not beautiful enough, Was I not smart enough to make boys notice me, Was I not slutty enough from them.

Now that I'm a little older, I realized that I'm glad I didn't do those stupid things just to impress a boy because my mother raised me better that. I had to shake off those painful memories that happen to me growing up and start to heal myself. I had to under to understand that loving myself the most important thing that I needed to do for my Mental Health. Trust me, I took a LONG time to get to this point in my life. I feels so good to not care what other people think about you.

At the age of Twenty-Eight, I don't have the "American Dream'' Married by Twenty-Five, at least two or three kids, the perfect house and the white picket fence. And if are still single at Twenty Five, you're damaged goods. As more women are in the work force, getting married and having kids later on in life I always felt that your Twenties were your "Selfish Years" so I'm going to as selfish as I can. Being single is not easy, but I'm not going to settle just because people tell me to do so. I focused on building this Fashion Blog into my full-time job, finishing up my studies to get my degree in Fashion Merchandising and becoming the best version of myself I'm a Queen and I need a King that has the same ideals as me

I hope that you all enjoyed this Special Valentine's Day Post. I hope that all know that you're loved and never let anyone tell differently. I love you all so much, Until Next Time, Stay Beautiful.

Here's Alessia Cara's Song Scars To Your Beautiful:

I absolutely LOVED Carrie Bradshaw, This Quote is so appropriate from this blog post

Image result for don't forget to fall in love with yourself first carrie bradshaw

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