Be Gone For A Minute, But I'm Back Now

Hello My Fellow Fashion Lovers, It's feels so good to say that again. I know what many of you are thinking, Where have you been, Did you forget about us, Do you really want to be a Fashion and Beauty Blogger anymore. To answer your questions, To say that I missed you all is a absolute understatement. It wasn't a day, second, or years that I didn't think about you. I felt that I left you all hanging without giving you a proper reason why my blogs just stopped. In 2019, I made a decision about this whole Fashion and Beauty Blogging thing. I want this more than anything in my life. I've made a lot of excuses on why I stopped Fashion Blogging, To be perfectly honest, I lost my love for blogging. I was lazy, unmotivated, and quite honestly, I thought maybe I didn't have what it took to be a successful Fashion Blogger.

It made me so angry that I was not a the same level at some of the Fashion Bloggers that I follow on my social media. I felt that this Fashion Blogging world wouldn't want me to sit at the same table. I seriously wanted to give it all up and not want to do it anymore, The constant war inside of my head was telling me that I was not good enough, but my heart was telling another. I had to take a long look at myself and tell myself, Remember Why You Started This Blog, I started this blog because I absolutely love, live, and breathe Fashion. I used to go into my mother's room and steal her Fashion magazines It helped me get through being bullied all of my life. I started this blog because I wanted like minded people to hear what I had to say about the latest Fashion and Beauty trends. I started my blog because I want to be a successful Fashion and Beauty blogger. In these three years, I learned so much about myself, To be a successful Fashion and Beauty blogger It's takes time, effort, sacrifice, and your audience giving you positive feedback. I know that when some of my favorite Fashion and Beauty bloggers first got started, They were working so hard to make their dreams of becoming a Fashion Blogger come true but it took time for that dream to happen. I've recently just lost my grandmother in January, she was such a big part of my life. She was such a hard worker and never complained . That's was a huge life lesson that I've learned from her.  She believed in me and my blog, I know that she didn't want me to give up when things didn't go my way, she wanted me to keep going and trust the process.

I wanted to tell of you sweet, amazing people that I so sorry for completely just leaving you hanging, I'm sorry for taking you all for granted, I'm sorry for not appreciating you when I had the chance. You guys are the reason that I got my Mojo back. I hope that we can talk Fashion and Beauty again.

Thank You so much for reading this blog post, I hope that you enjoyed reading this as much as I had typing it. I love you from the bottom of my heart, I truly do. Until Next Time, Stay Beautiful...

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