My Dry Skin Saviors

Hello everyone and Happy Thursday to you all. I'm so happy that you stopped by my blog and I'm happy that you're here to share in my love for beauty. I don't think many of you know this but I'm a Beauty Blogger as well. I think it came from my mother. She was my first beauty muse if you will. She always had her nail done,  always had the best clothes on, and always had a perfume for any occasion. She fully embraced her femininity and made no apologizes for that at all. She gave me my first Manicure and Pedicure when I was five years old.

Today's Blog Post is all about my dry skin saviors. I have a double whammy against me, I have both dry and sensitive skin so I have to be VERY selective on the products that I put on my body. I also have a skin condition called Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis , I would define eczema as a beyond annoying ex boyfriend that will not leave unless you do something about it yourself. But the medical definition is a skin condition that causes dry, itchy skin and rashes on the face, inside the elbows and behind the knees, and on the hands and feet. Scratching the skin can cause it to turn red, and to swell and itch even more. I've struggled with this skin condition for most of my life. It made me feel self conscious about myself, I often asked God, Why did you give me this skin condition. But as I got older, I realized that it could be a lot worst, I'm going to love myself and try my best to keep all of the symptoms of Eczema at bay. 

Now, I want to show you all of the products that I use for my dry skin.  

For as long as I can remember, all of the women in my family have always used Dove Soap, When I smell the bar soap, It take me back to when I was a little girl. It has such a clean, fresh, smell to it. I found out that they made a Sensitive Skin collection, It's Sulfate Free, and it has 1/4 moisturizing creme. I was so happy. It keep my skin so moisturized and smooth and that's a A+++ for me.  

 If I'm out of my Dove Sensitive Skin Body Wash, I also use The Olay Ultra Moisture Shea Butter Body Wash, Shea Butter is so great for dry and sensitive skin and the smell is so amazing. I love the yellow packing that it has. 


During the Winter, My skin HATES me, it so dry and itchy, I can barely stand it. But my mother turned me on to this skin called CeraVe. It doesn't have a overpowering smell, which I find in some skin products that is supposed to be geared for dry and sensitive skin. CeraVe has become my best friend during the Winter and has completely changed my skin so much or in the wise words of my mother, it makes my skin feel so yummy. Did I mentioned that they are backed be The National Eczema Association. 

Another cream that I have to have for my Winter skincare, My OG when I first found out that I had Eczema is The Ponds Dry Skin Cream. I love it so much. The thick formula is not greasy at all and it instantly make my skin feel calm and keeps the little moisture that I do have in my skin. Winning in every way. 

I hope that you all enjoyed my first Beauty Post in years on the products that I used for my Dry and Sensitive skin. I love you all so much for reading this post, It absolutely means the world to me. I love you all so much. Until Next Time, Stay Beautiful...

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