My Style Icons

Hello Fashion Lovers and Happy Thursday to all of you. I'm so glad that we can be together and talk about the things that we all love and brings us together. I thought about what I wanted to post for today's post. I literally thought long and hard about this and then, a big idea popped into my mind. Today's Blog Post is about my Style Icons, These women has inspired me so much through what they wear. I followed their style from looking at old pictures, watching their movies and television shows,flipping though Fashion Magazines, and reading other people's blogs. I believe that everyone is a Fashion Icon in their own way, you never know who is looking at the clothing and being inspired by what you wear.When I was a little girl, I was the same way you're wearing. Fashion is such a wonderful and fascinating thing to follow and talk about with our friends and I know that you all feel the same way as I do. Now I have a few, okay a lot of pictures of my S...