My Fall Fashion Obsession: Leather

In my world, Fashion NEVER sleeps. Hello again, and Happy Tuesday to all of my fashion-obsessed people. I hope that all of you had a great weekend and a great start to your week. 

Personally, when I think of Fall, I think of Leather. Leather is such a luxe material that gives off the vibe of being so automatically chic all of the time, through handbags, shoes, and clothing. I remember my mother brought a long faux-leather coat in the sixth grade, I felt so fashionable every time that I wore it to school, went out with my family, or wore it just because it was hanging up in my room. Wearing Leather in the Fall just makes my fashion-loving soul so happy I love seeing all of my favorite fashion bloggers style their leather fashion. 

I was reading the November issue of Instyle Magazine (Zendaya looks amazing on the cover by the way.) and I saw a gorgeous dress from Altuzarra and I love the cinched waist and the slit of the dress is tasteful without looking old. 

Now, if you want to cover up your arms, I saw another dress from Altuzarra on the Bergdorf Goodman website that is stunning. 

Autumn Adeigbo is starting to become one of my favorite Black Fashion designers and I saw the Rena skirt in the same November issue of Instyle Magazine and now I'm obsessed with it. (By the way, I feel that we overly use the word obsessed.) The price for the Rena Skirt is $595.00.  

One of my favorite Fashion bloggers Sydne Style styled this to a T. This would be a great office look. 

I hope that all of you will wear leather for the Fall, I'm glad that I could be with you all for another fashion blog post, I love you all so much, and until next time, Stay Beautiful. 

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